Text Search Of All Posts

=> Also: How to find your text INSIDE a blog post you open <=

To Find Posts .. Type In The Box Above & Click The Button::
Coming to you from inside the “Druid Classroom” Blog,
a roster of posts that contain the text will appear,
and this screen will disappear.

Have you figured out how to use this for DIVINATION yet ?

The digital painting up top is titled “Aquatic Backgammon”.

Finding Your Text Inside A Post You’ve Opened..
Do it by using your browser’s “Find On This Page” control.

Here’s a clear How-To that i put in another post .. {-Jump-In-}
By the way.. ?Why, in the example i give you there, why do i
show you searching for the word “white”?
.. Simply because
that post critiques the Political Fantasy “WHITE”.

.. Using this Clumsy Wretched Widget for DIVINATION ..

You Must have Fast Fingers on the Keyboard,
& a Vivid Imagination.

(1): With your eyes still open, .. Think of an Important Issue In Your Life where you really want good advice, .. Or you really have a question. .. NO CHEATING :: this must be REAL in YOUR life.
(2): On this screen, .. Click inside the text box so you can type.
(3): Get your issue =>VIVID<= in your mind.

(4-a): Type something in, ANYTHING, ..
(4-b): Click Search,
(4-d): !!.Open your eyes.!!

(5): FIRST THING YOU SEE =>CERTAINLY WILL<= be some kind of answer.
(6): {-.your vivid imagination is supposed to kick in.-}
(7): Good luck. .. .. -sr

{-End Of Blog Page-}